Japan has long had a culture of folding and putting things away. Everyday, people have neatly folded their bedding and put it away, and have folded their kimonos and put them into their chests of drawers. Holding modesty as a virtue, “folding culture” was born as a way to use space effectively, due to the limited amount of flat land on the islands of Japan.One fun and simple expression of this “folding culture” is an item called “Ori Ori.”
“Ori Ori” is a circular handkerchief. When it is unfolded, it has a geometrical pattern, but when it is folded, you will be able to catch a glimpse of Japan. This is an item that allows you to feel closer to Japanese culture, and will give you a calm and peaceful feeling every time you use it.

日本には、古くから「折る・畳む文化」があります。毎日寝具を綺麗に畳んで収納し、和服も畳んで箪笥に片付けていました。日本は、島国で平地も少ないので限られた資源を有効に利用することで慎ましさを美徳とする「折る・畳む文化」が生まれました。そんな「折る・畳む文化」を楽しく、シンプルに伝えられるアイテムが「Ori Ori」です。
「Ori Ori」は、ハンカチを円形状にしたプロダクトです。広げているときは幾何学模様ですが、畳むことで日本の「何か?」が現れます。使うたびにホッと気持ちが和らぎ日常的に使うことで、日本の文化をもっと身近に感じてもらえるアイテムです。

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closeMt. Fuji 富士山

Mt. Fuji富士山

Mt. Fuji is an active volcano that straddles Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures. At an altitude of 3767.12 m, it is the highest independent peak in Japan, and its graceful appearance is widely known as a symbol of Japan even outside Japan, and it is the subject of many works of art, not only in terms of art, but also in geology such as climate and strata. It has a great impact on society as well.


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closeTokyo Tower 東京タワー

Tokyo Tower東京タワー

Tokyo Tower was conceived and built in December 1958 with the goal of the Eiffel Tower in France. The official name is Japan Radio Tower. The steel structure of the three-dimensional truss with a square cross section has large observatories 145m and 150m above the ground, and the 250m special observatory is also a tourist attraction.


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closeJapanese fan 扇子

Japanese fan扇子

A japanese fan is one of the tools that creates the wind.Used in ceremonies and performing arts. Folding fans from Japan were introduced to China and passed to Europe through the Silk Road in the 16th century. After that, it spread to Portugal, Spain, and France, and in France, it was supported by upper class women, and many French fans were born.


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closeGold Fish 金魚

Gold Fish金魚

Its existence was known in Japan during the Kamakura period, and aquaculture began in the Edo period. It became popular as a pet of the common people in the middle of the Edo period, and has become a summer season word in haiku. It was widely taken up as the subject of ukiyo-e and Japanese paintings at that time, and is still an ornamental fish familiar to Japanese people such as goldfish scooping at fairs and night shops.


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closeDemon’s horn 鬼(鬼の角)

Demon’s horn鬼(鬼の角)

Demon is considered to be youkai in Japan and is legendary. It often appears in folk tales and local beliefs. The reason why demons have horns is that the direction that is said to be the demon gate is northeast. Since the northeast was between Ox and Tora, a monster with the characteristics of a cow and a tiger was created.


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closeBamboo shoot タケノコ

Bamboo shootタケノコ

Bamboo shoots are young shoots that emerge from the rhizomes of bamboo in early summer. It is covered with multiple layers of skin and grows and grows in a few days while removing the skin. Since ancient times in Japan, it has been edible in each area where there is a bamboo grove. In modern Japan, the harvesting work is called "bamboo shoot digging" and is also popular as a seasonal sightseeing event.

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